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How do I create a content promotion strategy?
What are the characteristics of the content which people tend to share? 1. New or original ideas 2. Epic overviews of topics 3. Ideas from well known influencers 4. Big digestible list that can be scanned easily 5. A lot of visuals 6. Well-thought out post with clear structure 7. Catchy head-lines If you want to create a content promotion strategy you should 1-Create promotable content Some questions should be answered in order to guarantee a successful content -Will it provide any new value to the audience? - Did anyone write a blog about that idea before? -How to make my blog better if someone used the same idea? - Would I be excited to share it with friends and colleagues? 2- Create a promotional plan -You should develop your topic idea -decide a headline and assign it to a writer to write about it -build an outreach list -begin engaging with influencers or promotion partners to get them to add value to your post -review your blog post draft review and assign SEO to it -review your outreach list and make sure you have contact information fro everyone -finalize your headline and publish your post 3- Types of promotional content The epic post it usually longer in length longer than 5k words usuallyes in a form of a list it better 1 times than any s that exists online -The influencer and quotes round-up post it includes original quotes from influencers mainly focused on a certain topic we should build an outreach list in order to survey our influencers - The visual Nuggets post it a long form blog post that contains visual or graphics it a small addition to your blog posts but makes a huge difference to readers graphics can be created through a designer through Canva . - The Guest blog post it features a well known influencer in your industry it mainly features one person you should choose an influencer wisely who has a large audience that you can tap into if you have never outreached that influencer you should start re-tweeting liking andmenting on their posts first. Hope this can help horizontal-rule Do you want to know more about content marketing? Check out this Playbook
Do there exist any ancient (or modern) Coptic pieces of literature like the Gnostic Gospels online in copypastable text format (i.e., not a PDF or image)?
You do know you can copy and paste from a PDF. Just open it with a free PDF app like I use Foxit Reader and Cute PDF for PDF creation. So now you have that tool you can find most of the existing Coptic literature online. The problem you many have though is most of it is in either Aramaic (the original language of the region) Egyptian Syrian Greek Armenian and some other obscure languages. Therefor unless you read those languages you will have to rely on translations. The problem with translations is there are more of them than there are documents so you need a masters degree to work out which one is accurate even then its a matter of debate. The largest Coptic Library is the Wadi Al-Natrum in Egypt which have digitised many of its catalogue. Here is a to a lot of that content and it even translated into English and two versions in Syriac and even Latin good luck.
Google Mobile: What are some must do things with a new LG nexus 4?
First of all a huge wee to android user ecosystem. With your beloved nexus 4 you can do many things as follows. 1. Sign in with Google Account - Your Google account is the key to truly experience the power of Android Operating System. This gives access to all Google apps Gmail Talk (or hangouts) Google+ Google play calender books and many more. I guess you have already done that by now ) 2. Apps apps and apps - Once you are done exploring all Google related things the next big thing android gives you is a wonderful opportunity to choose from an incredible number of apps. I'm listing a few of my apps i find extremely to you. For games go to Google Play. Advanced Task Killer Free - To kill unwanted tasksn AppGratis - A free app from Google play every day aTorrent Beta - Best for downloading torrentsn Hide It - A must have app to hide your photos etc Cerberus - Never loose your phone again top anti theft app of all timesn Chrome - The browser is back!n Client Cerberus - A supporting app to recover your stolen phonen ColorNote - Stick notes Dictionary - No need an explanation for thisn Drippler - Android only news updates new apps etcn Drive - Google Driven eBay - Shopping time.. Engadget - Tech news from engadget.n ES File Explorer - Best file explorer Evernote - The best best best note taking application Facebook - Needs no intro!n Flipboard - Best news reading app.n Foxit PDF - PDF reader. Google Play Books - To read books you bought from playstore hiTask - Task management IMDb - Needs no intro! JuiceDefender - The best battery saving app out there.. You know what? It really saves a lot of juice. Merriam Webster - Another Dictionary AppnFaceBook Messenger nYahoo Messenger MX Player - As powerful as VLC for desktop. You need to use it OfficeSuite - Office Applicationn Out of Milk - Shopping Checklistsn Pinterest - Guess you know itn Pocket - Read it later app Quora - Not even a day without this. Skype - Needs no intron Smart Tools - Really smart.n Speed Test - Needs no intron Springpad - Just like evernote more like a personal assistant. I love both.n Street View - Google maps street view TeamViewer - Needs no intron TED - Educationaln Translate - Google Translaten Truecaller - A must have app. Whos calling??n Twitter - Needs no intro VirtuaGym - Healthy healthy Walk Me Up! Alarm Clock - It will definitely wake you up. You have no other choice.n WhatsApp - The best best best ...n wikiHow - Educational. You also need to your debit card with playstore Keep looking top free new trending sections in Google Play for more apps.n Apps - Android Police - Android News Apps Games Phones Tablets - Another good source for the same. 3. Android - You know what you own the amazing Nexus 4 and what does that mean? You already got android and you will be the first to get android updates as soon as Google readies them. A new feature only users can enjoy?? Lock Screen Widgets and Dash Clock Extension Widgets. Check out these in play store. DashClock Battery Extension n DashClock Contact Extension n DashClock Widget 4. XDA Developers Forum for Nexus 4 - Everything for your nexus 4. Enough said. Have fun )
What are the apps that used to open PDF?
11 best PDF readers for Android nThe PDF format has always been a bit of a pain for end users. PDFs have two dominate uses and apps are generally only tailored to one of the two. For some PDFs are useful for business documents and forms and thus require a PDF app that can edit and fill out forms. However a lot of people like keeping their books in PDF format and thus require a PDF app that acts like an eBook reader. It quite frustrating figuring out which PDF apps work best with which but we have this list below to help you find the PDF reader that you need. Let get started with the best PDF readers for Android. horizontal-rule n u2b n Adobe Reader nPrice FreenFirst up is the preeminent option for PDF readers and that Adobe Reader. When ites to features Adobe has pretty much all of the standard features you expect in a PDF reader and a whole bunch more. Most of the features are geared toward business use so we rmend you use it for that purpose. It can handle PDF books but youll probably want something with more reader features than business features. It allows for limited annotation and if you want to edit the PDF you can convert it to other formats to edit it in other apps should you need u2b n AnDoc 3 PDF & DJVU Reader nPrice FreenAnDoc claim to fame is how simple it is. This app can open and view PDF and DJVU file formats and that about all it can do. This is useful for some very basic reading only as it doesn contain a lot of features for anything else. If you just need something to read PDFs (or DJVUs) then youre in luck but if you have business needs youll want to try something else on this u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n CamScanner 3 Phone PDF Creator nPrice Free w $ subscriptionnCamScanner is a little bit different of an app. It can import PDFs from your storage but what you can do is use your phone camera as a scanner to scan documents into your phone as a PDF. This can be monumentally useful when you need to email a form that you filled out by hand. Once the document is scanned into the app you can annotate as needed and send it to wherever it needs to go. Thus once you get the file into CamScanner it a fairly good PDF app. You can even fax things to people. horizontal-rule u2b n ezPDF Reader 3 Multimedia PDF nPrice Free $ is much like Adobe Reader because it is geared toward business use. Unlike Adobe Reader ezPDF does have some features for those who need it specifically as a reader. The most notable features include the FormFiller feature ePub support and multimedia PDF support. There is a free version which gives you some of the features while the $ version gives you all of them. You can possibly get away with the free version depending on your needs but if youre a frequent flier of the PDF format and this looks like your new favorite PDF app it probably better just to toss down the few horizontal-rule u2b n Foxit MobilePDF nPrice Free $ definitely strays to the reader side of things but does have a few features for business users as well. This includes the all important annotation feature and the ability to sign PDFs. It also has cloud support which is always good these days and focuses mostly on opening PDFs quickly and cleanly as well as smooth operating. It more polished than a lot of the options on this list and does offer at least the basic features required to make it onto this list. It is a little expensive at $ so be sure to check out the free version first to make sure that an investment you want to u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n Kingsoft Office + PDF 3 FREE! nPrice FreenKingsoft is technically an office app but it does contain a few features that specifically deal with PDFs. Namely you can save documents in PDF format if you need to as well as open PDFs if you need to. From there you can print or read them as needed. It doesn have a lot of the features of others on this list but if you need something very basic then this could be your best option. It also contains a very highly rated and popular office suite so you could be killing two birds with one horizontal-rule u2b n MuPDF nPrice FreenUnfortunately it been quite a long time since the developer updated MuPDF but thankfully the last update was really good. This is a more basic offering but MuPDF seems to excel at the features it does have. It opens PDF files quickly and cleanly and gives you the basic options like filling out forms and annotation. It even supports Google Cloud Print. It totally free to use so it hard to about the features it doesn have. If you need something simple then this is another great u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n PDF Reader nPrice FreenAs the app name implies PDF Reader is a reader of PDFs. It has one of the longer feature lists of any of the apps on this list and includes mostly features for reading PDFs rather than business uses. This is a great app to check out if all you need to is read things like books in PDF format. It includes a lot of features like brightness auto-scroll dictionary support TTS support and others geared specifically for reading. If you need something that lets you annotate PDFs or fill out forms then youll have to look u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n qPDF Notes Pro PDF Reader nPrice Free $ has a lot of features you don find in most other PDF apps. Ites with cloud storage support reflow mode (which is difficult to find in PDF reader apps) and non-LiveCycle Javascript calculations. You can also annotate PDFs and it also has tertiary editing features along with a form filler mode. This is definitely one of the best business-oriented PDF readers available and if more popular apps like Adobe Reader aren doing it then this is worth a look. It $ for the full version but considering the feature set it a few bucks definitely worth spending if you need an app like u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n Radaee PDF Reader nPrice FreenRadaee is another PDF app that is useful mostly for reading. It does have a few very very basic editing features but nothing that some of these others don have. Radaee claim to fame is better-than-average language support and quick rendering which translates to good performance. It features a simple interface as well as some reader features like page turning animations should you want that. This is definitely more of a reader than a business PDF app so do keep that in mind. It free to download if you want to try it u2bn horizontal-rule u2b n SmartQ Reader nPrice FreenLast up is SmartQ and it also one of the more obscure on the list. It rocks a 4.5 rating in the Play Store and includes pretty much all of the features youvee to expect from apps on this list to have. This includes annotation adding notes and drawing. All of which can be used to fill out forms on PDFs. It also includes some unusual features like syncing with Kingsoft service. It totally free to download and use so if youre interested check it out!nu2b u2bn horizontal-rule Wrap up nWhich PDF reader is best for you really depends on your needs. Some people need them to read books while others need them to fill out forms. Unfortunately there is no best option that covers every use so your best bet is to figure out what you need it for and get the app that best fills that use. For instance if you have a couple of novels in PDF format youll probably do better with an app that has more reader functions. Also be sure to check out ourbest eReaders list which has a few options that allow for PDF reading. With so many options and so many different uses for PDFs we very well may have missed an app or two. If so let us know in thements!
How do you translate a PDF file from German to English?
You may give a try to Foxit Reader s . It is a free PDF reader and creator software. It has the feature to translate selected lines or all the pages of PDF file. So German to English translation for your PDF would be easy and possible. If PDF has scanned pages or images then it won give the result. But it is good for translation of PDF file. Just create your free account by opening the interface of this software and then use the Translate option available in the Tools menu of this software. via Translate PDF with These Free PDF Translator for Windows